Date of Report: Tuesday, 4th February 2025 |
Name: Dave Walker Email: dave@wildtrout.co.za Phone: 082 475 5775 Rhodes. Dave Walker reports that after a very dry late December there has been some rain and the Rifle and Bokspruit are running reasonably well. The Sterkspruit is discoloured after thunderstorms in the area, and this has discoloured the Kraai which was producing some good yellowfishing. In the meantime, it is surprising how far up some of the streams the yellows have migrated this summer. This is just as well as the trout are a bit sluggish with the higher water temperatures and one has to get out of bed really early in the morning for better fishing. This applies especially to Loch Ness where some good trout have been taken. The 2025 Dirt Road Traders WTA Flyfishing Festival which will be held from 18 to 22 March is now fully subscribed and there is more than a reasonable chance that it will rain well before then. Maclear & Ugie. Colin Moolman confirms that although some rain has fallen over the last month water levels are low and its best to wait until autumn by which time it will have probably rained well. More information can be accessed by going to the Maclear Fly Fishing Club’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/p/Maclear-Fly-Fishing-Club-100057624511870/?_rdr. or website at https://www.maclear.co.za/activities/fly-fishing. Barkly East Andrew Clark reports that with the hot dry conditions with temperatures up to 32°C in town which is most unusual the streams are low and full of algae while the 6 trout dams they manage have been closed for fishing for several months. The Kraai of course is also very low but on occasions when it rises after rain in the tributary areas it does offer good yellowfish. The club will be meeting shortly to discuss a river festival for the March/April period as they have received many enquiries about this. When conditions are suitable for trout fishing again tickets for club waters at R150,00 are available from Andrew Clark at 084 5166471 or andrew.clark@bkb.co.za. Lady Grey Denise Ross of Lupela Lodge confirms that it has been unusually hot. As expected, the river is low but rain is predicted at the end of the week which is just as well as there have been quite a few bookings for this weekend and onwards. Just why anglers choose January/February for trout fishing is hard to fathom. Fortunately, there are plenty of fish in the river. The Langkloof River near Barkly East when flowing well. |